
I'm just an ordinary girl

My name is Ihuoma Chukwuezi and I’m from Owerri, Imo state in Nigeria. I started a fashion and beauty business in my second year in the University. I can still remember how it was for me. Many a night, I’ll cry myself to sleep after hours of thinking about what I’m doing wrong and coming up with absolutely nothing. I had no physical store, I was based fully online and I was combining my business with school work. It was a rollercoaster!
It took me years before I could figure out what I was doing in that business and how to scale it efficiently and I haven’t looked back ever since. The same way I found it difficult growing my business online I knew that there would be other people just like me who needed the help and that’s how digitalbizguru came to be.
Here at digitalbizguru, our goal is to enable small and medium scale businesses have a deep understanding, confidence and clarity on exactly how digital marketing can help them to not only organize their business but to scale it & have impact on as many lives as possible while doing so!
Every business owner wants to make lots of money from their business. The easiest way to do this is to help people by giving them a solution to their problem in the form of your products.
The question now is, how to even get started. We can help you achieve this.
We have helped 1,139 businesses boost their sales online just this year alone through courses and other services that we have provided them. 
Growing your business and making sales doesn’t have to be difficult, our students are a proof of that. 
Now, it’s your turn!
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