It was the sincerity and trustworthiness for me. I really appreciate how truthful you were when you told me my account is not disabled when I actually taught it was. You helped me discover the real problem and then sort it out. Prior to talking with you, every other person had been saying my account was disabled and you helped me understand that diagnosis was wrong. No wonder the issue wasn't getting solved. I've also noticed improved engagement on my ads since your work on my account. Thank you
Oma you won't understand how long I've battled with this my restricted account, I've not been able to advertise in over a year. I've paid some so called gurus good money yet with no results, thank God you're the real deal. I'm really so happy that i can resume my ads and I'll be definitely be coming for your course on sponsored ads soon.
Now I can stop paying people to run ads for me due to issues with my advertising account. Thank you for the prompt response to questions too. You're good.
I've seen my content calendar Ma and I love it. You even delivered before the due date. This will make creating my content so much easier, no more wracking my brain for what to post every month. You were not bluffing when you said it's tailored to just my business. I can't wait to start using it. I've referred one of my friends to you, she'll be contacting you soon.
Even though you gave me your word that you'll fix my IG ads payment issue, I didn't really believe you because it's something that I had already tried everything to sort out or so I thought. I love how transparent you were on the requirements and what it would take to sort it out. I can now fund my account in just a few minutes and I even have active ads now.