Using a guarantee in your business is one of the strategies that you can start trying out today. A guarantee is a pledge, usually in writing, given by a company to their customers that something is of a specified quality, content, benefit or that it will provide satisfaction or will perform or produce in a specified manner.
A guarantee also outlines what will happen should the buyer not be satisfied with his purchase. This really helps to boost the confidence of your buyers.
Some of the real benefits of offering—and publicizing—the strongest guarantee possible include;
- Quality will increase (you’ve already given this people a guarantee, you won’t want to fuck up),
- Customers will trust you (because your guarantee has already promised them that they’re safe with you)
- Clients won’t go away angry with you or your brand (this one is self explanatory because obviously they’re covered by your guarantee).
Having a guarantee can boost your business when used right but if you feel it’s not the right fit for your business, don’t push it. Remember that a guarantee is like a promise you make to your customer, don’t make promises you can’t keep!
This is so spot on… thanks for sharing ma
You’re welcome Omoyemi and thank you for reading.